Friday 31 July 2009

sing children of the world

Sing Children Of The World

by Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Walking through the crowded streets of a market in MoroccoSitting on a smiling camel in the desert of Arabia
Chasing 'round the bamboo trees abandoned in Indonesia
Gathering brightly coloured leaves in a forest of Canada
Napping beneath the date palm shade under blue skies of Tunisia
Sweeping out his parents' shop on a side street in Pakistan
Planting rows of beans and maize on a small farm in Uganda
Laying back to count the stars from somewhere in Afghanistan
Oh Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!
Splashing through the pouring rain in a village of Guyana
Nibbling cakes from picnic plates on a mountain top in Switzerland
Tending to a flock of sheep down under in Australia
Greeting morning with a prayer on the golden Egyptian Sand
Oh Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!
Crying himself to sleep with no hope left for dreaming
Begging in the burning sun, holding out her hand
Palms held tightly on his ears to muffle all the screaming
Sitting where her house once stood trying hard to understand
See the Children of the World (Subhannallah)
All the Children of the World (Subhannallah)
Sing for the Children of the World (Subhannallah)
Pray for the Children of the World (Subhannallah)
[DWA and Children]
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Come together and hear the call
Sing Children of the World (Sing along)
Islam will unite us all
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!
Subhanallah, Wa Alhamdullillah Wa Allahu Akbar!


  1. jadi pingin download lagunya, Trim's

  2. silahkan.. ga akan nyesel deh denger lagunya, keren!

  3. lemot abis ...
    wkwkwkwk .........
    bisa kasih link nya teh ^_^ ?

  4. wah maaf, kalo yang ini saya lupa link nya. tapi kalo mau cari di youtube ada kok :)

  5. subhanolloh ana punya yg versi zaid bikha,,

  6. yup lagu ini juga pernah dinyanyikan sama zain bhikha.
    kl dilihat-lihat kayaknya sering ya zain bhikha, yusuf islam dan dawud wharnsby menyanyikan lagu yang sama..

  7. iya,,,sepertinya he2,,,syukron ya mba videonya...
