Monday 6 February 2012

Academic Joy: Every Researcher has a Story to Tell
This is the place where experts, researchers and graduate students in science, engineering and the humanities around the world converge to tell the unique stories of their life in research in academia and industry. Here, it is about

sharing ideas with others to spread knowledge;
networking with peers around the world;
seeking help when it is necessary;
finding resources and tools for research;
telling your side of the story in innovation.

Academic Joy is an original idea of an academic who realized that behind the achievements of every reseacher there is a hidden story, an inspiring struggle, an emotional journey that should be told to the world. It is the other side of success made of obstacles, insights, failures, persistence and determination against odds.

A well known American inventor Thomas Edison (1847–1931) said in Harper's Monthly (September 1932): "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration". Unfortunately, the part of the story made of so much perspiration, the hidden side of the iceberg, is seldom made public. Academic Joy aims at helping researchers enjoy their time in research by sharing its inspiring moments.

In addition, to help foster a sense of community, Academic Joy invites you to join its team of experts/mentors who will provide advice and guidance to peers, graduate students and young researchers. Conversely, we encourage researchers to submit (see support page) a condensed version of their articles for a brief review, advice and recommendations from anonymous experts before any formal submission to a conference, journal or book project.

Instead of the uncomfortable "publish or perish" pressure prevailing nowdays in research circles, Academic Joy would like to propose to researchers the positive "publish and cherish" idea.


  1. Thanks ya Lia atas info dari link ini. Yang beginian dari dulu saya cari-cari... ^_____^v

  2. sama2 mba. semoga bermanfaat ^___________^

  3. @ariefridlwan, @menjadimatahari: semoga bermanfaat :)

  4. Makasi u berbagi tautannya. Menarik dan menyemangati, pun bagi ibu rumah tangga non akademisi seperti saya.
